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Session Packages Available
One Time Offer! 
Choose from 3 BioEnergetic Tune Up Packages

Health, Wealth, AND/or Relationship

Special Offer $127 per Package ($247 Value)
Get All 3 Packages for $247 ($741 Value)

Each package comes with 7 BioEnergetic Tune Up Sessions. ($40 Value Each)

HEALTH BioEnergetic Tune Up

Optimizing Health Package

Our mindsets and beliefs around our health and ability to heal and live life will either help us thrive or hold us back. These sessions are designed to address energetic blocks impacting our physical, mental and emotional health so we can move beyond surviving to thriving. Let's live the ilfe we've always wanted to live!

WEALTH BioEnergetic Tune Up

Optimizing Wealth Package

Wealth is about more than just having money in the bank - it’s about knowing our inherent value and worth. This package is designed to help us transition from believing we have to work and strive for wealth to tapping into the wealth that flows from and towards us because we know we’re valuable! From that place of IDENTITY money flows!

Tune Up

Optimizing Relationship Package

The relationships we have with ourselves as well as those who were meant to first love and nurture us are patterns for all other relationships in our lives. These sessions are designed to remove the judgments and other non-serving relational patterns and beliefs so we can move into the healthy, whole, thriving relationships we desire!

7 BioEnergetic Tune Up Sessions Come With Each Package

Tune Up Your BioField To Improve Your Health, Wealth, And Relationships Energetically

Optimizing Health Package
Offer Price $127

($247 Value)

1. Believing Health is FOR You
2. Believing Life is Good

3. Turning the Tide on Healing
4. You're Not Flawed
5. Gut Biome Health
6. Vagus Nerve Reset
7. Chakra Integration

TUNE UP $127

Optimizing Wealth Package
Offer Price $127

($247 Value)

1. Believing Money is FOR You2. Knowing Your Value & Worth3. Money & Financial Freedom
4. Stop Striving
5. Freely Giving

6. Freely Receiving
7. Overspending

TUNE UP $127

Optimizing Relationship Package Offer Price $127
($247 Value)

1. Believing Relationships are FOR You
2. Self Love ("Bad")
3. Self Love ("Good")
4. Relationship with our Father
5. Relationship with our Mother
6. Being Connected
7. Connective Tissue

TUNE UP $127

Buy All 3, Get 3 for the price of 1! 


*** We are not medical professionals and are not giving medical advice on the treatment of any medical condition. These sessions are designed to balance energy systems in the body to promote an optimal state for healing. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. ***